Les Sources

Crédits : Philippe Latil. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: RR

Well-being, from start to finish…

Yoga, sophrology, sylvotherapy…, holistic experiences to restore energy and reconnect with one-self.

Much more than a simple, restful and green weekend, Les Sources de Cheverny offer a truly holistic stay revolving around well-being. 

From the Greek term Holos meaning "everything", the holistic vision of the human being takes all our physical, mental, emotional, family-related, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions into account. This approach does not end with the treatment of symptoms and, at Les Sources de Cheverny, "wellness" (well-being and all-round harmony) is solely seen as addressing the body, feelings, the spirit and en-ergy all at once.

It begins with total disconnection from urban life on a timeless estate in Le Val de Loire, between Chambord and Chenonceau. A period château, elegant cabins, stone houses, a 200 year-old forest and a lake: this haven of tranquillity is an invitation to enjoy rest, contemplation and Epicureanism. Guests let go at the Spa des Sources where, thanks to the benefits of Caudalie treatments, they draw energy from nature and rediscover the very essence of well-being. Though Les Sources de Cheverny extend an invitation to delve even deeper into wellness by offering varied holistic experiences to city-dwellers wanting to restore their energy more extensively, close to nature.

Each month, a yoga retreat is therefore held, led by instructors with diverse horizons and training. Two or three days of well-being and detox to re-install total harmony between body and mind! And to boost one's energy and immune system even more effectively, the retreat is accompanied by the tasty, generous cuisine of talented Chef Frederic Calmels. On the menu, fresh seasonal produce in which vegetables, sometimes long forgotten, fresh herbs and mild spices are given a place of hon-our.

Another holistic experience consists of a sophrology session. A relaxation technique based on breathing, sophrology acts on both body and mind. For a full hour, Philippe, the qualified sophrolo-gist at Les Sources de Cheverny, reawakens the senses and teaches us how to listen to our emotions. In a few respiratory and physical exercises, gentle and simple, the body lets go and the mind attains serenity. Sophrology enables its devotees to acquire deeper knowledge of themsleves and confront everyday challenges more easily. 

Finally, entirely within its vision of well-being, Les Sources de Cheverny propose a "forest bath", also known as sylvotherapy. Originally from Japan, this treatment practice consists of making con-tact with the trees in a forest in order to recover the energy they can transmit to human beings. This reconnection with nature through several guided, multi-sensory activities (listening, respiration, con-tact, observation) allows for a lower level of stress, the easing of tension, and the body's production of the hormones required for happiness: dopamine and serotonin. 

Wellness at Les Sources de Cheverny is all about Re-living!

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