Les Sources

Crédits : Maxime Terracol. Translation: Jigisha Leclerc. Picture: RR

Hugo Clément

The journalist, a prominent advocate for environmental issues, is sponsoring the Sources Academy, a unique training program for staff at Les Sources hotels.
What motivated you to take on this role for the 2023/2024 season?

I believe that businesses are key to driving change. It’s very encouraging to see a prestigious establishment like Les Sources de Caudalie taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint.

What do you do with the staff?

I engage with them during meetings, sharing my knowledge about the state of climate change and biodiversity, discussing what I've observed during my reports, and focusing on issues relevant to luxury hospitality. I then invite them to ask questions. It’s always a pleasure to share my experiences with professionals and collaboratively identify actionable areas.

What kind of students are they?

The staff at Les Sources are very interested in environmental issues and eager to change, while being aware of the luxury hotel's inherent impact. I support this kind of positive dynamic, especially when it resonates across the team.

What actions can be taken for more responsible travel?

Firstly, avoid flying. Personally, I haven’t flown for vacations in five years; my last flight was to Iceland in 2019. Since then, I only choose destinations accessible by boat, rail, or road. However, flying doesn’t have to mean abandoning eco-responsibility. Simple actions can significantly reduce one’s carbon footprint: eat less meat and fish, avoid single-use items, choose greener transport options, use air conditioning and heating moderately, and prefer off-the-beaten-path attractions!


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@lessourcesdecaudalie @lessourcesdecheverny